Significance of Efficient Irrigation, irrigation

For long time irrigation has been around for as long as humans have started farming. The first invention after humans learned to grow plants from seeds was probably a bucket. You can imagine the archaic way of how human being from the ancient days manually irrigated their crops by hauling buckets of water so that they can water their plants. Fast forward to the 21st century, and you'll see how times have drastically changed with the onset of more efficient irrigation systems and mechanized methods are now available for everybody to benefit. irrigation pipes


In most countries, irrigation has become a widespread activity to make up for rainfall deficiency with water from other sources to assist in pasture and crop production. In dry areas irrigation is critical for agriculture. Agriculture is said to be a significant contributor to the economy of many countries both directly and indirectly. For instance, manufacturing and service sectors that use farm outputs are important contributors to increase employment and cultivate state products. Therefore, that is why efficient irrigation equipment and irrigation systems are in high demand.



Irrigation methods have improved over many years giving a chance for more better production per megalitre of water utilized. Current irrigation methods include systems such as butterfly Sprinklers, impact sprinklers, centre pivot irrigation, surface and drip irrigation. The common crops produced using irrigation are; rice, canola, cotton, sugar, some fruits, tree crops as well as pasture, grain and hay for use in dairy and beef production. Irrigation system parts


Large-scale agricultural places require centre pivot irrigation. This is a method of crop irrigation in which irrigation equipment rotates around a pivot. It involves creating a circular pattern in crops if viewed from above when a circular area centre on the pivot is irrigated. Initially, most centre pivot irrigation systems were water-powered. These have then been replaced by the electric motor-driven system and hydraulic systems. Most systems nowadays are electric motor driven when mounted at each tower. With this technology, advanced irrigation systems and equipment are now available to boost the Agricultural sector. irrigation system design